Our frequently asked questions & answers.

Originating as a council run service in the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead, 
Ways into Work is now a Charity, trading since March 2015.   Our mission: 
  Changing Lives, One Job at a Time.


  • How long will you provide support for?

    Support is not time limited and is provided on a needs basis. We seek to not over support and to empower employers to manage their new employee but in the knowledge that we are always on hand for advice and support.   Typically we will get involved quite a bit at the beginning of employment and gradually this should reduce but we are available for on-going support, so for example for repetitive training and performance reviews and will always stay in touch with you and our client to ensure everything is running smoothly. 

  • What happens when your client isn’t performing?

    We will talk to you to find out what the issues are and suggest possible strategies to resolve this. If necessary we can put more job coaching in place and visual aids if these will help. If however there is a performance or disciplinary matter to be dealt with we will support you through that process. 

  • What help can you give me regarding making reasonable adjustments to the interview process?

    Many of the people we support find it difficult to articulate their skills.  This tends to be one of the biggest barriers to employment for people we are supporting so we always talk to employers about how they can make adjustments to the recruitment process in order to ultimately employ the skilled and well matched candidate. This could take the form of a work trial.  For people with sensory impairment they may need adjustments with written tests or perhaps someone to sign for them.  Some costs can be met through Access to Work and we can give you guidance on this. 

  • Can you provide disability training?

    We would always provide information and training for the line manager and immediate team about how a person’s disability affects them, what needs they may have and how to communicate and line manage the person to achieve their best performance. Over and above this we are able to provide Disability Awareness Training which you can read about on the What we do/Training & Consultancy page. 

  • What support can you give me regarding risk assessments?

    As an Employer it is your responsibility under the prevailing legislation, to carry out (just as for any other employee) the required risk assessment.  Ways into Work will assist you with this in terms of their knowledge of the individual you are employing and how their disability may affect them.  We will also carry out a Work Place Health and Safely Assessment to help inform this.

  • How does a work trial work?

    Because often people we support cannot articulate their many skills and talents we encourage employers to run a work trial instead of a traditional interview.  This can be held for up to 3 weeks and is often unpaid although some employers make the decision to reimburse expenses or even pay the individual for their time. This give the prospective employee time to learn the job and demonstrate they can do it – how many times as a recruiting manager have you recruited someone who could ‘talk the talk’ but not ‘walk the talk’!

  • How will you support my line manager to learn how to go about training your client?

    In order to get the best from those you manage it is important to understand their needs. We inform line managers about how someone’s disability affects them, give them strategies to deal with that often in the form of visual aids or tips about how best to communicate with that person. We take this very seriously as it will determine long term sustainability.

  • Can I get financial support for any adaptations that might need to be made?

    Access to Work can provide funding in some situations for a variety of things – Ways into Work can advise you about this and help you and our client make the necessary application for funding. More information can be found here.

  • We have an employee who could do with some support – can you help?

    The simple answer is Yes.  If your employee meets the eligibility criteria for one of our funded projects then we can sign them up.  If they don’t we can provide a bespoke service to support you and your employee. 

  • What are the benefits for an employer of working with Ways into Work?

    We can give you access to a large group of potential employees who are unlikely to apply through other routes.  With the support we provide those employees tend to stay longer in role than many others.

    The benefits of a diverse workforce are clear and that applies to those with disabilities and other barriers as much as anyone else.  The combined spending power of those with disabilities (the purple pound) is £16bn and employing people with that background will help you make sure your products and services appeal to everybody.  Our support and advice can make taking that step that much simpler.

    Also, your whole workforce will benefit from the feel good factor that comes from seeing you put your Corporate Social Responsibility policies into action by employing a diverse workforce.

    You can read more about the benefits on our Who We Work With/Employers page.


  • What organisations have you worked with?

    We have actively worked with:

    • 6 local authorities (Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead, Hampshire, Slough, Reading, West Berkshire, Bracknell Forest)
    • Several educational establishments (for example Manor Green School, Brookfields School, Castle School, Reading College, Newbury College)
    • National level funders (National Lottery Community Fund, European Social Fund)
    • Smaller funders (Blagrave Trust, Berkeley Homes)
    • Local projects as part of national initiatives such as Building Better Opportunities
    • Many local partners such as Get Berkshire Active, Slough Refugee Support, WEA (Workers Educational Association).
  • Where can I find out more information about supported employment?

    Check out the BASE and/or Preparing for Adulthood websites.


  • How can you help me find a job?

    Our Employment Coaches will spend time with you to get to know you, find out what you have done to date and understand your aspirations for paid employment. They will explore ways to help build your confidence and self-esteem and agree a development plan with you to move you forward to employment.  This could involve work experience if relevant.  When you are ready to apply for jobs we will help you apply for jobs and also approach employers and arrange if we can, for the interview process to be adapted for you.  We will support you through the interview process. 

  • How long does it take to find a job?

    We support individuals in a person-centred way which means the journey to paid employment is unique for everyone. We do not limit the time we have to spend with individuals who are engaged and committed to finding paid employment.

  • Will I need to have qualifications to get a referral or a paid job?

    Not necessarily.  Whilst having qualifications can be very useful, experience of work and the motivation to work are much more important.  An Employment Coach will get to know you and your skills through vocational profiling and look to job match.  You may already have a clear idea of what you would like to do for paid employment however this will also be explored during the vocational profile.

  • Do I need to pay to access supported employment with Ways Into Work?

    If you live in either Berkshire or Hampshire you may be able to access our supported employment service for free.

    To find out if you are eligible for our funded services look at our ‘Contact Us’ page where you can see the eligibility criteria for each of our projects.  If you are not eligible it you could opt to pay for our services. 

  • What sort of jobs do you place people in?

    We currently work with about 200 employers in Berkshire and Hampshire across a very wide range of sectors including: 

    • Agriculture & environment
    • Childcare and school settings
    • Construction
    • Hospitality & catering 
    • IT & digital
    • Retail & customer service
    • Sports, leisure & tourism
  • How long will I be supported by Ways Into Work?

    Provided you are motivated to work, Ways Into Work will support you throughout your journey into paid employment and when employed.  If you secure a paid job we will provide on-going support to you and your Employer. 

  • What impact will paid employment have on my benefits?

    Our employment coaches will discuss both the hours of work that you ideally want to work and highlight any triggers this may have on your current benefits. 

    We can signpost you to organisations like Citizens Advice who can offer information and advice about how earnings could/would affect you.

  • Will you support me to travel to and from a paid job?

    We cannot transport you ourselves but can support you with travel training so that you can progress towards using public transport independently.  We can also advise and support an application to DWP/Access To Work, who in certain circumstances, may fund travel to work costs. 

  • Will Ways Into Work support me to find voluntary work?

    Our remit is about employment so we cannot support voluntary work unless this forms part of an agreed plan with ourselves of time limited voluntary work, work experience or unpaid work trials to build the skills you need to become employable. 

  • Can you support me if I already have paid employment?

    Yes.  If you meet our project eligibility criteria or can fund support yourself and need support to remain in your current employment, we can provide 'on the job' support to guide and help both you and the employer. This could be advising the employer on reasonable adjustments as well as providing job coaching to you.


  • Can you support me if I already have paid employment?

    Yes.  If you meet our project eligibility criteria or can fund support yourself and need support to remain in your current employment, we can provide 'on the job' support to guide and help both you and the employer. This could be advising the employer on reasonable adjustments as well as providing job coaching to you.

  • If I am struggling at work what steps will you take to help me?

    We will try to talk to your employer to see what we can do to help you and to support them. If you need support to improve your performance we can agree a plan of action with you and your line manager.  If you need information presented in a different way then we can support your employer to learn how to best achieve that. If you feel your employer doesn’t understand your disability or needs then again there are a range of things we can do to support you both. 

  • Can I get financial support for any support or adaptations that I might need?

    Access to Work can provide funding in some situations for a variety of things – Ways into Work can advise you about this and help you and your employer make the necessary application for funding. More information can be found here.


  • What is a Supported Internship?

    A supported internship is a school/college course mainly carried out in the workplace where you will learn new skills which will help you find a job and find out what it takes to be a good employee.

  • Why do an Internship?

    • You will learn the skills an employer is looking for.
    • You will have support in the work place from Job Coaches.
    • It will help you become more independent.
    • It will give you the chance to try different jobs.
    • A Job Coach will support you to try & find paid work after the Internship ends.
  • How does an Internship work?

    • You will be in education, enrolled at college or school.
    • It starts in September and ends in July.
    • You will spend 3 or 4 days a week at work & 1 or 2 days at college/school.
    • The work placement is unpaid but the aim is to improve your chances of getting paid work.
  • Who can apply?

    • You will have special educational needs & an Educational Health & Care Plan.
    • You need to be 16 to 24 years old (minimum age 18 at the Hospitals).
    • You will be motivated to work and become more independent.
  • Where are the Internships based?

    Currently in 8 locations but more are being set up ready for September 2023:

    • Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading.
    • Working for Sodexo at the Johnson & Johnson site in High Wycombe or Pinewood.
    • Wexham Park Hospital near Slough. 
    • In Maidenhead.
    • In Wokingham.
    • At Dinton Pastures.
    • In Winnershe at National Grid's site.

    We are in the process of setting more up - watch this space ...

  • What kind of placements are there?

    Job Rotations in Reading - This Internship is based at the hospital in Reading. You could do rotations which include working in:

    • Catering
    • Admin
    • Retail
    • Logistics
    • Pharmacy
    • Portering
    • Ward Support

    Job Rotations in High Wycombe and Pinewood - This Internship is based at the Johnson & Johnson headquarters and the employer is Sodexo PLC — both international companies.  There are rotations available in:

    • Catering            
    • Mail Room      
    • Admin      
    • Setting up Meeting Rooms      
    • Housekeeping      
    • Facilities
    • Security (Pinewood)

    Job Rotations near Slough - This Internship is based at Wexham Park Hospital.  You could do rotations which include working in:

    • Catering 
    • Portering

    Job Rotations in Maidenhead - This Internship is aimed at young people who wish to get in to a Child Care related setting.

    Job Rotations in Winnersh - This intership  is based at National Grid. There are rotations in:

    • The Control Room
    • Post room amd Security
    • Network Access Planning

    Job Rotations in Wokingham - offering:

    • Admin
    • the Library
    • Leisure related

    Job Rotations at Dinton Pastures in maintenance and horticulture

    ... and more coming soon .... look out for them.

If your question is not answered or you want to find out more, give us a call on 0300 561 0010 or contact us using our enquiry form.
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